Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Every year my family and I make prosciutto, cappagol, and sausage. My dad gets the pig from a butcher we use the some part of it to make the prosciutto and we salt it for ten days then hang dry it for six months. The cappagol is different it takes about three weeks we use many spices and hang dry that as well. The sausage we season it buy stomach intestines and with a machine we grind the meat then stuff it into the intestines and tie it up and it drys as well for about 10 days. I love making it with my family its fun and love food, and i love too cook. After all that is done we fry up some fresh meat with garlic, oil, parsley, white wine, salt and pepper, and red hot cherry tomatoes. After about 20 minutes it is done, it tastes so good and every year i make it.
We also make wine with my aunt in her basement we buy different grapes to make Merlot, pinto grigio, and Chianti, my aunts is good at this stuff because she been studying whine for years and going all over to taste it. The grapes go threw a barrel and at the bottom the grape juice pours out and he put it in a barrel so it can start the fermentation process, i know there is more too it but i am not sure exactly what else you do. In a couple of months its ready most of it comes out good last year we lost a barrel it tasted like vinegar. For the most part it comes out really good. I love learning how to make things from scratch what can i say I'm Italian.

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