Monday, March 10, 2008

laura falls on face

may 10, 2007 i came home from college (fau) to visit my family and friends for the summer. i haven't seen my friends since December so i was very excited. however i drove back so i wasn't up to do much i was so exhausted from being in a car for a day. they were all drinking so they asked me to drive to the deli with them down the block. they go in the deli Laura Jessica and Elizabeth and come back in my car. we get back i par,k i get out the car and wait for them to go back into Kayla's house. i don't see Laura i go around the car and she is laying on the floor laughing she felt out of my car got her legs suck in the seat and her face went right into the concrete. no one knows till this day how it happened. she had a chunk of skin missing from the side of her eye, skin missing from above her lip and her whole cheek was demolished you may say, she is gushing blood so i tied shop rite bags around my had and started to clean her up with peroxide and neosporin. to top it off she starts throwing up like crazy and at the same time peed in her pants. we brought down the block to my friends dads house because he is firefighter and could tell us if she needs stitches he said no its just really bad cuts . so we drove her home and got her older brother to help her too bed. the whole summer we called a scar face because it was so bad the first week it looked like somebody bashed her face in with a baseball bat. she took care of them really well and lived off scar gel after about a month a half she looked allot better she had to use cover up to cover the 3 scars so she looked like nothing happened. now 10 months later you cant ever tell what happened. it goes to show if you do something stupid there is time to fix the mistake. luckily for her everything went away. the moral of the story is don't drink a half a bottle of cheap liqueur in a half hour and try to walk when you are a 110 pounds.

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