Thursday, February 21, 2008


Entourage is the best show on TV , Ary gold is my favorite character. the show is about four guys that moved from new york (queens) to LA. Vince the main character is a movie star and supports his 3 other friends and one is his manager, Ary gold is Vince's manager. They go to the best parties and live in luxury. Ary has a temper he is very aggressive and is extremely you serious about his job, his assistant Lloyd is a homosexual and ary makes fun of him all day. The second season was the best one so far. one episode that i will never forget is when ary was having a hard time he wasn't as mean as he usually is and he thought he lost his edge , and he wanted to get it back. His therapist wasn't in her office so he paid her assistant 5000 dollars if she told him where he was. she was golfing with her friends so he drove on the gulf coarse to get her attention and yelled at her for making him soft then he gets so aggravated at her, so he got is edge back. what made the episode so funny was that he felt bad firing somebody that's how the whole edge thing started because the guy had problems so at the end of the episode he barged into the meaning and wrote in big letters on the marker board "get the fuck out" and he screamed it and said in case you cant hear "get the fuck out" i have never in my life laughed so hard just from a t.v. show its great. if you don't watch entourage you really should without a doubt it is the best show on t.v. every charter fits the role so well that's you get dazed into it. I cannot wait until the new season begins.

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